3d Meet The Johnsons Part 4 [EXCLUSIVE]
When Opal finds her sister, Jacquie and the other teenagers are drunk. Opal meets a boy closer to her age, Rocky, who is standing apart from the drunk group. A boat arrives that has been stolen by some of the older kids. Opal joins Jacquie and the older kids for a joyride, and Opal and Rocky hold hands. The boat is intercepted by another boat full of adults and taken to the front of the island. The older kids run away. In the evening, Opal hears Jacquie screaming at one of the older boys, Harvey. When Opal asks Jacquie what happened, she replies cryptically that she asked Harvey to stop doing whatever he was doing.
3d Meet The Johnsons Part 4
After the AA meeting, Harvey and Jacquie linger. He tries to talk to her, saying that he just found out that he has a son (Edwin) in Oakland. Jacquie becomes upset that Harvey is so casual, talking as if they are friends. He tells her that they should try to find the daughter that she gave up for adoption. He also says that Jacquie should come with him to Oakland, so that she can meet her grandchildren. She leaves upset. Back in her hotel room, Jacquie is tempted to drink again, but does not, instead removing the minifridge from her room and flinging bottles into the pool. She texts Opal to ask if she can stay with her in Oakland.
Less than five months before the Big Oakland Powwow, Calvin attends a planning committee meeting. He sees Edwin Black and sits next to him, trying to make Edwin feel welcome. Blue, the head of the committee, asks Edwin to introduce himself. Edwin awkwardly states that he lives in Oakland, is an unregistered Cheyenne, and will be working as an intern to help with the powwow. When Dene Oxendene arrives, Blue has him introduce himself, as well. Dene tells everyone that he will be setting up a storytelling booth. Calvin tunes him out and thinks about how he has been put in charge of finding younger vendors to support young Native artists, but he has not put any work in yet.
Thomas arrives at the coliseum for the Powwow and hopes he does not see anyone that he used to work with. At the Powwow, Bobby Big Medicine gives him a spot around the drum. Thomas prays to no one in particular, then clears his mind to drum. His prayer will be the song itself. He holds his breath as the dancers arrive and prepares to drum.
Norsk elected to build large titanium structural parts, hence the galley fittings. The question was which basic additive technique the company should adapt to meet its needs. Most aerospace firms have concentrated on powder bed fusion, also known as direct metal laser sintering. In this technique, lasers or electron beams melt and fuse powdered metals. This is how GE printed its fuel nozzles.
As with all additive techniques, the process starts with a computer assisted design drawing of the part to be printed. This data is entered into a control system programmed to generate deposition coordinates for the part.
Direct metal deposition processes usually must operate in a vacuum. Norsk chose plasma with positive pressure and no vacuum because it makes loading and unloading parts more efficient. There was no need to create vacuum conditions for each new part, which takes time and slows production.
Norsk had its first machine, the relatively simple Merke 1, up and running in 2008. By 2010, the second-generation Merke 2 was in operation. This machine applied dual-torches to produce the plasma arcs and to make test parts for qualification and delivery to customers. This was the prototype that cleared the way for development of the RPD process.
By 2012, Norsk had moved on to the Merke 3. Like Merke 2, its six-axis robots manipulated the torch head and substrate, the surface on which printing is done. Norsk improved the processing monitoring system and made proprietary upgrades for manufacturing larger and more complex parts. This is the version that made sample titanium materials for FAA material testing.
The current machine, Merke 4, was ready by 2015. In this version, computerized numerical controls rather than robots manipulate the torch head and substrate. Norsk designed Merke 4 for serial production with further upgrades in its monitoring and closed-loop control systems. Merke 4 can build parts up to 900 millimeters by 600 mm by 300 mm, depositing titanium rapidly at five to 10 kg per hour, the company says.
Norsk says its monitoring and control systems are highly proprietary and crucial to its success. The Merke 4 now monitors 600 parameters per second as a part is printed. The sampling rate for each parameter is chosen according to how often tests have shown the parameter can change. Parameters for electricity, both voltage and current, are sampled at very high rates. Sampling covers the current between the work piece and the plasma and the current between the wire and the gas that is melting the wire. Sensors sample other parameters at different rates, according to how often they might change.
Monitoring of some parameters feeds back to the production machine, controlling its operation. That is the closed-loop part of monitoring. Other parameters are just monitored to prove that a part has been produced under required conditions.
For installation in aircraft, regulators must certify the additive process itself, the materials produced by the process and the specific parts produced. The first two certifications are the toughest, and took years to achieve. Once that was done, it took about 10 months to certify the 787 fittings in 2017.
Apart from satisfying customers and regulators, meticulous monitoring also provides a big economic advantage. Unlike some additive processes, which are certified machine by machine because each machine may differ slightly in its operation, all three Merke 4s in Norway and now nine in upstate New York have been certified by FAA. Norsk can thus achieve its aim of producing parts at industrial scale.
For about a year now, Norsk has been producing four parts, and three part numbers, for 10 Boeing 787s per month. The near-net shape parts produced by Norsk are machined to final parts by a supply-chain partner.
If the evidence suggests that an applicant abandoned his or her LPR status and was subsequently erroneously permitted to enter as a returning LPR, the applicant is ineligible for naturalization. This is because the applicant failed to establish that he or she was a lawfully admitted for permanent residence at the time of the subsequent reentry[28] and failed to meet the continuous residence requirement for naturalization.[29]