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Julian Nelson

Where Can I Buy Heating Oil At The Pump

The City Council has repealed the heating oil tax ordinance and passed a 2023/2024 budget to fund heating oil conversion incentives for homeowners.If you have any questions about the Clean Heat program or the delay you may contact Christine Bunch, Office of Sustainability and Environment, or (206) 615-1633.

where can i buy heating oil at the pump

Heating oil is the least efficient, most expensive, and most polluting form of home heating in Seattle. We estimate that between 10,000 and 13,000 households heat with oil, and converting them to Seattle's clean electricity will reduce our climate pollution by the same amount as taking 90,000 cars off the road for an entire year. In addition, underground oil tanks rust, erode, and develop leaks that can contaminate the soil and groundwater. While there is no requirement now to replace a tank with a new tank, it is possible that a future Seattle Fire Code may require a replacement. Note: Existing Seattle Fire Code already specifies tank decommissioning requirements should you switch heating fuels.

Seattle recently reached a milestone of providing more than 1,000 rebates and no-cost upgrades to help low-to-middle income residents switch to an energy-efficient electric heat pump! Read the Greenspace blog to learn more about the program and this important milestone.

Diesel fuel used in diesel-powered vehicles and other engines is basically No. 2 home heating oil. The only difference is that home heating oil has a dye added to it that distinguishes it from untaxed or lower-taxed fuels. The higher-taxed diesel fuels are used for over-the-road vehicles. However, if an emergency were to arise such as the home running out of heating oil, diesel fuel could be purchased at the local service station. Homeowners can substitute diesel fuel for home heating oil in any quantity necessary while awaiting delivery of home heating oil.

Understandably, the first thing to do when you have no more heating oil is called Love Energy Fuel for a delivery. Keep in mind that this will take time, mainly when the snow has blocked many roads leading to your home, you will have to use a substitute fuel, such as diesel.

Look for a gas container or buy one at your local hardware store. The ideal container should hold at least five+ gallons of fuel. Since you do not know how long the heating oil company will take to deliver the fuel, you should buy as much diesel as possible.

Restarting the furnace can be as simple as pushing the red reset button on your furnace. You may need to press the reset button several times to bleed the fuel line and restart your furnace. Once the heater has turned on, your home will be heated normally. The fuel should be enough to last you until the heating oil company delivers the heating oil you ordered.

Each year, DOER analyzes available winter weather forecasts, projected prices, and expected consumption for major heating fuel sources (natural gas, heating oil, propane, electric heating) to provide heating season cost estimates for Massachusetts homes. The 2022-23 winter report is being provided to help households prepare for higher energy prices and to assist state partners in providing adequate resources for households in the Commonwealth. Estimated future prices and expenditures in this report are subject to change and should not be used by households to determine a specific budget for heating costs for the upcoming winter.

Space heating is the largest part of household energy costs. In Massachusetts, most households heat their homes using natural gas, followed by fuel oil, electricity, and propane. To see a further breakdown of how Massachusetts households heat their homes, visit how Mass. Households heat their homes.

Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) helps run programs to reduce home heating energy use, lower heating bills, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and provide residents with information on their home heating choices. Every year, DOER analyzes available winter weather forecasts, projected prices, and expected consumption for major heating fuel sources (natural gas, heating oil, propane, electric heating) to provide heating season cost projections for Massachusetts homes.

DOER publishes this annual heating report to help residents understand market conditions for home heating. Due to increased volatility in global markets impacting consumers, DOER produced a pre-season report this year to provide early information to consumers, which was posted on this website in September. This report represents an update to estimated price, consumption, and expenditure for the remainder of the winter season based on the latest available data. As a consequence of the Russian invasion of Ukraine earlier this year, energy markets have been marked by high energy prices and heightened uncertainty. This report is being provided to help households prepare for higher prices more generally, and to assist state partners in providing adequate resources for households in the Commonwealth. However, due to high uncertainty, estimates in this report are subject to change and should not be used by households to determine a specific budget for heating costs for the upcoming winter. Throughout this report, both winter and heating season mean the period between October and March (e.g. 2022/2023 heating season is October 2022 to March 2023).

While fuel prices are the biggest factor in what households are expected to spend on heating, winter weather has a significant impact on heating bills. A colder winter causes an average home to use more fuel and spend more, while a milder winter may mean households use and spend less.

Figure 1 shows average residential heating fuel cost by heating fuel for the past seven winters, along with an estimate for this upcoming winter. Many factors influence the costs year to year including market conditions, weather, and changes in demand.

The prices for propane and heating oil in Figure 1 are the average prices from many fuel suppliers across the state and will vary from company to company across the Commonwealth. The average is not a guarantee of price for residents, some residents will pay more and some less for propane and heating oil. The prices for electricity and natural gas are estimated load-weighted averages across the distribution companies, such as National Grid, Eversource, and Unitil. Since distribution companies charge different rates across the Commonwealth, a load-weighted average will reflect the share of customers receiving electricity or natural gas from the various companies.

To compare the cost of producing heat from different fuel sources, Figure 2 presents the cost to heat this winter using different technologies using the 2022/2023 winter price estimates in this report. Costs are shown in dollars per unit of heat, which is measured in British thermal units (Btu). This cost analysis does not reflect the full benefits that can be achieved through energy efficiency measures, decarbonization, and air conditioning costs. Please see the Comparing Heating Technologies section for more information on the benefits of air source heat pumps.

Note: As described below, the data graphed above does not indicate that a household can ensure savings by switching heating systems. The expenditures estimated here are based on the average home size and year of construction for homes with that heating source; for instance, homes that heat with electricity tend to be smaller. The estimated expenditures are based on current estimates of fuel price and consumption.

Heating oil remained the most expensive fuel to heat an average household this past winter, costing $2,155 through the winter. Propane was less expensive at $1,582 while natural gas heating totaled $773 in the 2021/22 heating season. Electric heating, primarily electric baseboard heating, was cheapest at an estimated $728 for space heating, although this also reflects the smaller average home size for units that heat with electric resistance heat. The above data does not account for differences in housing unit type, year of construction, home size, and other factors that can influence heating fuel consumption for space heating. Households should not assume this data guarantees cost savings by fuel switching to electricity. For better estimates of switching household heating systems, Mass Save offers a Heating Comparison Calculator to calculate potential savings.

Winter heating costs are expected to increase across all heating fuels this upcoming winter due to higher wholesale energy costs. Residents should plan for these additional costs and refer to the next section in this report for resources to help with heating costs.

Massachusetts offers a wide variety of financial incentives for all consumers to save on their energy bills, including no-cost programs for home upgrades and enhanced incentives for income eligible customers. The statewide Mass Save program offers no-cost home energy assessments, rebates on efficient heating equipment as well as 0% financing for major energy efficiency measures.

DOER's Alternative Portfolio Standard (APS) allows consumers to receive compensation for heat generated by renewable heating and cooling technologies such as heat pumps, solar hot water, woody biomass, liquid biofuels, and biogas. Eligible facilities receive certificates for the heat they produce, which can then be sold to retail electricity suppliers that are required to purchase certificates to meet their APS obligation.

The area of the country in which you live is perhaps the biggest factor in your debate. Traditionally, heat pumps are best in areas where winters are mild - think southern and coastal states. Furnaces offer greater ability to heat your home during harsher, colder winter conditions and are therefore better suited in northern locations. Most furnace heating systems in the U.S. use natural gas for combustion, but propane, oil and electric furnaces are used as well. By selecting a heating system suited to your climate, you can enjoy better comfort and probably lower operating costs as well. Learn the distinction between furnaces and heat pumps, as well as the benefits of electric vs. gas heating, the energy efficiency of both options, and more. 041b061a72


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