Let's take a little break on my life and let me help provide some insight to the second language that comes with any fertility journey. Weather you are on your own, or trying with a partner, the Acronyms and Abbreviation can confuse the crap out you!
After joining some Facebook groups like 'IVF/IUI Moms By Choice' and 'Single Mothers by Choice' groups, I felt like my head was spinning and I was reading a foreign language as I scrolled through all the women's posts.
For example: "I'm 12dpiu in my TWW and really hoping for a BFP but I have a feeling AF is coming".
What the hell are they talking about? let me help you translate that for you:
"I had an IUI 12 days ago and I'm in my two week wait and hoping for a big fat positive, but I have a feeling my period is coming."
Confused yet? Yeah me too.
Below are the most common abbreviations & acronyms used that I found handy to know!! 'm not going to include all of them otherwise you'd be here forever. But learning just some of the basics will help you if you are part for support groups for sure!
AF - Aunt Flow (a.k.a. your period)
Baby Dust- Baby dust is just a super-cute way of wishing someone who is TTC good luck on their conception journey.
BBT - Basal body temperature
BC - Birth Control
BD - baby dance (sex on your fertile days!!)
BFN - Big fat negative (a negative pregnancy test)
BFP - Big fat positive (baby’s on board!)
BW - Bloodwork
CD - Cycle day (the first day of your period is CD1)
CM - Cervical mucus
DE - Donor eggs
DPO - Days post-ovulation
DP - Days past
DPT - Day past transfer
E2 - Estradiol
ET - Embryo Transfer
FE - Frozen Embryo
FET - Frozen Embryo Transfer,
FSH - Follicle Stimulating Hormone
ICI - Intracervical insemination
IUI - Intrauterine Insemination
IVF - In Vitro Fertilization
IF - infertility
HPT - Home pregnancy test
LH - Luteinizing Hormone
LMP - Last Menstrual Period
MF - Male Factor Infertility.
MC - Miscarriage
OHSS - Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome
PIO - Progesterone in Oil
PNV - Prenatal Vitamin
TTC - trying to conceive
TWW - Two week wait
US - Ultrasound